You asked me: “How much does a kiss weigh?”
In response today, with love – words I open:
“When the heart falls asleep with love, without lies,
weightless kisses, fly from Heaven!”
Those snowflakes are now, in the cold day,
with them, in a white dress, Hope dances…
When you kiss me tenderly, so captivated,
let the snowy night, with Love drive us crazy!
How heavy are the rhymes,
butterflies on a leaf, in one with the pencil in our souls?
When I rhyme “kiss” with a word – “I drink you”,
then GOD, will tell us: “Love is beautiful!”
When the Christmas tree dances, in the yard now –
and silvery laughs quietly, in the darkness,
then Christmas is near! I sit in the snow,
and the arrows in a kiss, with you I will wait!