Ah, how much pain, how much work it costs me
to love you as I love you!”
Federico Garcia Lorca
You fell silent, wondering if something was happening…
Look in the indigo sky, there are still no stars.
They always say: if a vase is broken
take the glass, for luck throw it away.
Yes, that’s probably how it is in faith and in books,
but in life it’s hard to understand –
when a summer tornado will lift you up,
or when you fall in the middle of a winter commotion..
Ah, how to love and how much it will cost,
to water flowers from so far away –
I don’t hear a song, but the bee string,
from the dry summer, without love it is mute!
I believe that in autumn,
those bright, yellow-red nuances will rise again,
of muse and feeling – the souls will sing…
Two – in a dance on the starry dance floor!