Svetla Yordanova Poet

I have worn out my senses in habit.
And I supposedly live unconventionally!
In order not to get bored,
I search for myself a hundred times,
I pour pain into my joy
for the balance of the spirit.
And it seems that I lose the distinctive sign…

But if someone still notices
that I drink light thirstily,
it is from the agony of my hope.
I always look for a ford in the unique,
which my optimism creates
and I believe without hoping.
Because in me is always the thought
of the power of the ant, which
does not let go of the huge grain!


Bibliographic creative reference" of Svetla Yordanova

Svetla Yordanova was born on 2nd September,1962 in the town of Gorna Oryahovitsa – BULGARIA.

Her first steps in writing were made while she was a high school student in the newspaper “Ustrem”. After that followed the publications in the newspapers “Borba”,  “Narodna mladezh”, “Pulse”, “Literaturen vestnik”, “Gornooriahovsko slovo”, “Uchitelsko delo”. She collaborated with the magazines “Plamak”,”Yantra”, “Svetlostrui”,”Chitalishte”, “Uchastie”, “Ptitsi v noshtta” , etc., and participated actively in the literature readings in her native town, in the region, and in the capital of Bulgaria – Sofia, Biala, V.Turnovo, Dryanovo etc. Her first poetry book “The spirit of the fire” was issued in 1992 and the second – “Sacred Soul” was issued in 1995 in bilingual versions –  Bulgarian and English. In 1996, Svetla’s next book, “Choose Your Game,” was published.
This photo is from my birth town
Gorna Oryahovitsa
Gorna Oryahovitsa Airport
Gorna Oryahovitsa Center
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Svetla Yordanova Poet



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